CIA Exam Syllabus 2025 Update Comprehensive Overview of Changes

The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) has made drastic changes to the syllabus of the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) exam which will be effective from May 2025. These changes are focused towards aligning the exam content to modern day practices as well as minimizing overlap across different parts of the exam. This article aims to explain these changes in detail so that candidates are fully equipped to attempt the part of the CIA exam they are preparing for.

Detailed Changes to Each Part of the CIA Exam :

Part 1: Internal Audit Fundamentals :

Changes being made to what was previously known as Essentials of Internal Auditing, now has a different name as well as a completely different structure. A new framework was created that contained four sections instead of six, with an emphasis placed on the key aspects of internal auditing. The weightage of marks for the different sections is as follows:

  • Foundations of Internal Auditing (35%) : Greater emphasis on the fundamental concepts and principles of internal auditing.
  • Ethics and Professionalism (20%) : A completely new topic aimed at covering ethical and professional conduct, as well as emphasizing the need to uphold integrity.
  • Governance, Risk Management, and Control (30%) : A focus on governance and risk management comprising of a decrease in weightage.
  • Fraud Risks (15%) : More focus on identification and mitigation of fraud within organizations.
Independence and Objectivity, Proficiency and Due Professional Care, and Quality Assurance and Improvement Programs were all covered earlier, and now these are the rest of the sections.

Part 2: Internal Audit Engagement :

This used to be called the Practice of Internal Auditing, and Part 2 now consists of three parts instead of four, as it places greater focus on actual internal audit work. These include:

  • Engagement Planning (50%) : The planning phase has the biggest weighting because it includes everything that must be considered when planning an audit.
  • Information Gathering, Analysis, and Evaluation (40%) : This deals with the techniques related to collecting and evaluating the evidence for the audit.
  • Engagement Supervision and Communication (10%) : This part expresses the need for a supervisor to the audit procedures and for the supervisor to communicate what the audit was about.
The sections on Managing the Internal Audit Activity and Communicating Engagement Results and Monitoring Progress have been slotted to accommodate the change in the form.

Part 3: Internal Audit Function :

This used to be called Business Knowledge for Internal Auditing but has now been retitled Internal Audit Function and still has four sections, but has changed in its focus to the functional areas of operational auditing. The new sections are:

  • Internal Audit Operations (25%) : Covers daily internal audit department tasks.
  • Internal Audit Plan (15%) : Focuses on preparing and executing risk-based audit plans.
  • Quality of the Internal Audit Function (15%) : Addresses standards and measures for assessing audit effectiveness.
  • Engagement Results and Monitoring (45%) : Increased emphasis on evaluating audit outcomes and continuous improvement.
This restructuring provides a better understanding of the internal audit function’s role within an organization.

Frequently Asked Questions About the CIA Exam Syllabus Update :

Do I have to retake a passed exam part after the syllabus update? :

No. If you pass a part of the CIA exam before the syllabus update takes effect on May 28, 2025, you do not need to retake it. Your passed section will remain valid, and you will only need to complete the remaining parts under the new structure.

What remains unchanged in the CIA exam? :

While the exam structure has been updated, some key elements remain the same :

  • The CIA program will still consist of three parts.
  • The eligibility criteria for candidates remain the same.
  • Total questions asked in each part and time allowed will remain the same.
  • The core focus on internal auditing principles and practices is still intact.
  • Passing score for each part of the CIA exam remains 600 on a scale of 250-750.
  • Exam fees are not going to change.
  • The CIA Challenge exam syllabus will remain the same.

Will these changes affect current CIA holders? :

No. If you are already a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), these changes will not impact your certification status. However, staying updated on the new syllabus is beneficial for professional development and career growth.

Where can I find the best new CIA study material? :

The Academy of Internal Audit provides the best CIA exam preparation course ,including study materials aligned with the 2025 syllabus update. Their resources include up-to-date study guides, practice questions, mock tests, and expert-led training sessions to help candidates succeed under the new format.

Should I wait for the new syllabus prior to enrolling for the exam or the enrollment? :

That’s highly dependent on your timeline and study schedule. If you’re already preparing under the current syllabus, it helps to clear the exam before May 28, 2025, so you do not have to acclimatize with the new syllabus. On the other hand, if you’re just starting out, enrolling with the new syllabus might be more suitable since it is more in accordance with contemporary practices and expectations. Students need to assess their individual status and determine if they would like to take the existing structure or if it is best to move into it the new one.

If I have already taken admission and started attempting exams, is it compulsory to complete all three parts before May 28, 2025? :

No, it is not compulsory to complete all three parts before May 28, 2025, in fact, you do not have to meet this deadline at all. The only guideline is, any or every part of the CIA exam that is not completed by this date will have to be done under the new syllabus structure. The good news is, if you have passed some of the parts, they will always stay valid, and you will only need to clear the remaining under the new syllabus.

Can I take the exam based on the old syllabus after May 28, 2025? :

No. After May 28, 2025, all CIA exams will be based on the new syllabus. Candidates who have not completed their certification by this date must prepare according to the updated content.

Considerations for Candidates Pursuing a CIA :

Due to the changes made to the CIA exam syllabus, candidates will now have to shift their study schedules. Notable changes include :

  • Review of the Updated Content : Candidates must access the newly issued syllabus and identify the changes in topics and their mark allocations.
  • Concentrated Study Schedules : Reallocate study time to account for the new focus areas of Part 2: Engagement Planning and Part 3: Results and Monitoring of Engagements.
  • Completing Study Materials : Check that the study and practical exercises guides were changed according to the 2025 syllabus in order to avoid the undue workload.
  • Strategic Awareness of Exam Dates : Each candidate should make sure that throughout their strategy they either finish the certification before May 2025 or they start working towards the new syllabus.

Final Remarks :

The CIA exam syllabus modifications are indicative of an ever-changing internal audit environment and the IIA’s drive to maintain the Certification’s usefulness. Remaining informed and prepared will be essential to achieve certification for candidates chasing after this goal. With adequate preparation and updated materials, reevaluating the exam format at the Academy of Internal Audit will give candidates the confidence to perform to their greatest ability.

Watch our YouTube video to learn about these changes in detail: