CFE Free Resources

Whether you're aiming for Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), or Certified AntiMoney Laundering Specialist (CAMS) certification, our offerings ensure that you have the tools needed to succeed. Take advantage of this opportunity to strengthen your knowledge and skills in forensic accounting, internal audit practices, and anti-money laundering strategies.

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What is Owner's Equity?

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The investment of a company's owner plus accumulate profits.


Accounting Equation?

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Asset= Liabilities + Owner's Equity


How debits impacts assets and expenses?

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Debits increase assest and expense account while credits decrease them.


What does Balance Sheet show?

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Shows a snapshot of a company's financial situation at a specific point in time, generally the last day of the accounting period.


Sections of Statement of Cash flows

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1. Cash flows from operations
2. Cash flows from investing activities
3. Cash flows from financing activities


Fictitious sales always involve fake customers?

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Fictitious sales most often involve fake customers but can also involve legitimate customers.


Three common methods of concealing liabilities and expenses.

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1. Liability/expense omissions
2. Improperly capitalized costs
3. Failure to disclose or Contingent liability


What is Quick Ratio?

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Compares the most liquid assests to current liabilities


Sales Skimming means?

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An employee sells goods or service to a customer and collects the customer's payment but makes no record of the sale.


Whether physical varification of Cash is an effective detection method of skimming?

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It is a effective method for larceny but not of Skimming


How information is lost or stolen by R & D department?

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1. Conference speeches and papers
2. Publications
3. Company websites


What is Nondisclosure agreement?

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Written agreements provinding that signatory must keep confidential all trade secrets and proprietory information learned during their employment.


What are the measures to guard manual file system?

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1. Shredding sensitive documentary waste
2. Using a bonded waste disposal company
3. Receiving and sending mail at a secure site
4. Using an alarm system
5. Providing locks for doors and windows


What are the smart cards?

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Plastic, credit card-sized cards that are embedded with a microchip


What are the Code manipulation?

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1. Unbundling charges and fragmentation
2. Mutually exclusive procedures
3. Upcoding


What is the key element in Ponzi schemes?

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Initial investors are paid with subsequent investors money. There is little or no legitimate commerce


What is business email compromise?

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It is a form of spear phising attack that directly targets employees who have the ability to make large payments or who have access to sensitive proprietary information. BEC schemes typically involve fraudulent emails that appear to be from the company's own chief executive officer (CEO)


What is Pharming?

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A type of phishing attack in which a user is fooled into entering sensitive data such as a password or credit card number into a malicious website that imitates a legitimate website.


What are the information security goals?

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1. Confidentiality of data
2. Integrity of data
3. Availability of data
4. Authentication 5. Non- repudiation


What are the network security controls?

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1. Firewall
2. Intrusion detection systems
3. Intrusion prevention systems
4. Network access controls


Phases in the Procurement process?

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1. The pre-solicitation phase
2. The soliciation phase
3. The bid evaluation and award phase
4. The post-award and administration phase


What are the prevention methods of procurement frauds?

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1. Employee Education 2. Internal controls 3. Monitoring activities 4. Vendor management


What is Cat fishing?

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Creating fake social media accounts and asking for money/sensetive information from the connections.


What is Ransomware?

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Is a form of malware that locks a user's operating system and restricts access to data files until a ransom is paid. While some ransomware simply prevents acccess to files, other forms encrypt user's files or steal data


How physical access controls are different then technical and administrative controls?

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Physical access controls prevents unauthorised access to computer hardware while other prevents access to computer software.


Common law is also known as?

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Judge-made law


What is known as Precendant

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Any judgement made by higher court is known as precedant


When people say an act is against the law, they are refering to?

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Substantive law


Define parallel proceedings?

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Simultaneous criminal and civil actions against the same defendant that are based upon a single set of facts.


Under civil law systems, courts are bound by?

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Courts areby an accepted set of codified principles or compiled statutes and are not bound by previous court decisions


Who has the primary responsibility of discovering evidence in?

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The Presiding Judge


What are the administrative penalties normally levied in civil actions?

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Monetary fines and penalties, license suspension or revocation and debarment


Difference between embezzlement and larceny?

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If only custody is given then larceny and if lawfulis there then embezzlement


False claims and statements to government agencies are still considered as fraud, even if?

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The governmental entity was not actually deceived by the falsity, did not rely on it, or dit not suffer a loss in reliance on it


Three type of bankruptcy filings?

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1. Liquidation
2. Reorganization
3. Debt adjustment


Money laundering process includes?

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1. Placement
2. Layering
3. Integration


What does DNFBPs means?

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Designated nonfinancial business and professions


Best defence to tax fraud allegations?

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No deficiency


Two forms of defamation?

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Two forms of Invasion of Privacy?

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1. Intrusion into an individual's private matters
2. Public disclosure of private facts


Prosecutorial discretion means?

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Whether criminal cases are brought to trial generally depends on prosecutorial discretion, meaning that the decision to prosecute is left to the discretion of the appropriate juridictional authority


What is counterclaims?

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Claims filed by a defendant against the plaintiff in a civil action is called counterclaims, also known as countersuits.


Common civil remedies includes?

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1. Damages (monetary remedies)
2. Declaratory remedies
3. Equitable remedies
4. Prejudgement attachments


Three basic remedies?

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1. Testimonial evidence
2. Real evidence
3. Demonstrative evidence


Character evidence is also known as?

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Propensity evidence


What is Fraud Examination?

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Fraud Examination is a process of resolving allegations of fraud from inception to disposition.


Predication means?

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Predication is totality of circumstances that would lead a reasonable, professionaly trained, and prudent individual to believe that a fraud has occurred, is occuring, and/or will occur.


Three form of evidence?

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I. Documentary
II. Testimonial
III. Digital Evidence.


Indented writing Means?

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Indented writing is the impression a writing leaves on sheets of paper below the piece of paper that contain writing.


Intelligency factor to consider when assessing signs of deception?

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The more intelligent the respondent, the more reliable verbal and nonverbal clues will be.


Non- public records can be obtained through?

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Can be obtained through-
I. Consent
II. A subpoena
III. A search warrant.


What is Pretexting?

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Pretexting is the act of impersonating someone else or making false or misleading statements to obtain, sell, or buy information about a person or organization.


Data Analysis process?

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1. Planning Phase
2. Preparation Phase
3. Testing and Interpretation Phase
4. Post- analysis Phase.


What is Link Analysis?

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Visual representations of data from multiple data sources to track the movement of money, demonstrate complex networks, and discover communications, patterns, trends, and relationships.


Digital Evidence stands for?

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Any information stored or transmitted in binary form (i.e., ones and zeroes) that can be used to prove something.


Voltarity of Digital Evidence?

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Digital evidence is more volatile than tangible evidence because data can be altered or destroyed more easily than tangible information.


Examples of Computer- created files?

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1. Metadata
2. Registry
3. Event Logs
4. Internet activity
5. Temporary files
6. Deleted Data.


What does FIU stands for?

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Financial Intelligence Units( FIUS) are national centres that are responsible for receiving and analysing information on suspicious or unusual financial activity in order to combat international financial crimes.


Explain Net Worth method for tracing?

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Comparision of a person's assets or expenditures for a given period or admitted legitimate sources of income.


Characteristics of Concealed assests?

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1. Liquid
2. Untraceable
3. Secure
4. Accessible
(But not transparent)


What is cryptocurrency?

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A cryptocurrency is a type of digital currency that uses public or private key encryption in the currency's creation and transfer.


Characterstics of Good Fraud Exmaination Report?

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1. Accuracy
2. Clarity
3. Impartiality and relevance
4. Timeliness


Key points for preparing the Interview Room?

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1. No False Imprisonment
2. No distractions
3. Proper Visibilty
4. Privacy to the extent affordable.


Three general approaches to obtaining a Verbal Confession?

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1. Chronologically
2. By transaction
3. By Event


What is Covert Operation?

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A covert operation is an investigation technique designed to obtain evidence( legal & admissible) by use of agents whose true intentions are not communicated to the target.


Disadvantages of Punishment towards changing behaviour?

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1. Least effective method
2. Works only with constant supervision.
3.Temporary suppression of an undesirable behaviour.


What is Positive Reinforcement?

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A positive reinforcement presents a positive stimulus in exchange for the desired response.


What is Negative Reinforcement?

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A negative reinforcement withdraws a negative stimulus in exchange for the response.


Characterstics of White Collar Criminals?

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1. Be white males with a moderate social status.
2. Live beyond Means


Three legs of Fraud Triangle?

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1. Perceived non- shareable financial need
2. Perceived opportunity
3. Rationalization


Principles of Corporate Governance?

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1. Accountability
2. Transparency
3. Fairness
4. Responsibility


Nature of G20/OECD principles of corporate Government?

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The prinicples are nonbinding, however as their implementation must be adapted to different legal, economic, and cultural circumstances.


Two types of intentional misstatements as per (ISA) 240?

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1. Mistatements arising from fraudulent financial reporting.
2. Misstatements arising from misappropriation of assets.


Is it much easier to detect fraud than to prevent?

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No, most experts agree that it is much easier to prevent fraud than to detect it.


What is Inherent Risk?

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Risks that are present before management actions are taken as inherent risks.


What is Residual Risk?

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Risks that remain after management action are taken as residual risks.


Best techniques to use in conducting the fraud risk assessment?

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1. Interviews
2. Focus groups
3. Surveys
4. Anonymous feedback mechanism.


What do preventive controls intend to?

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Preventive controls are intended to prevent fraud before it occurs.


Ways management can respond to residual fraud risks?

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1. Avoid
2. Transfer
3. Mitigate
4. Assume


Most important point when reporting the results of fraud risk assessment?

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Stick to the facts and keep all opinions and biases out of the report.


Who holds the primary responsibility for success of fraud risk management program?

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Management ( not the board) holds the responsibility for success of fraud risk management program.


Three levels of customer due diligence?

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1. Simplified CDD
2. Standard CDD
3. Enhanced CDD


What is Priviliged Information?

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Privileged information is information that cannot be demanded, even by a court; it is information that is protected by law from evidence.


What is Confidential Information?

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Confidential information is the information that is confidential in nature. Whather an infomation is confidential or not depends upon norms of company or goverment's legislation.


When information is considered as material?

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Information is material if having knowledge of such information night reasonably be expected to influence a client's or employer's decisions based on a fraud examiner's report.


1. The concept that a business will continue indefinitely is known as


Option A is correct.
There is an assumption that an entity will continue as a going concern; that is, the life of the entity will be long enough to fulfill its financial and legal obligations.


1. Judge-made law is also called as


Option B is correct.
In common law systems, there are laws that judges develop through court decisions, as well as codes and statutes that establish laws. The common law is developed on a case-by-case basis and is referred to as judge-made law.


1. Which of the following would be the LEAST effective way to obtain permission to examine someone's bank records?


Option A is Correct.
Bank records can be obtained by consent only if the subject of the records consents in writing.


1. Most effective method of preventing fraud is?


Option A is correct.
Increasing the perception of detection might be the most effective fraud prevention method.

CFE Free Resources